- Qiangchang Ju, Yong Li, Ronghua Pan, (new)
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Commun. Math. Anal. Volume 8, Number 3
(2010), pp. 1--22. (support by NSF).
- Feimin Huang, Ronghua Pan, Yi
Wang, (new)
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for Jin-Xin Relaxation System" ,
J. Differential
Equations, 244 (2008), 1114--1140.
(supported by NSF).
- Ling Hsiao, Hailiang Li, Ronghua Pan,
zero relaxation behavior of
piecewise smooth solutions to the reacting flow model in the presence
of shocks'', Nonlinear
Anal. 42 (2000),
no. 5, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 905--929.
- Hailiang Li, Ronghua Pan,
relaxation limit for piecewise
smooth solutions to a rate-type viscoelastic system in the presence of
shocks" ,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
252 (2000),
no. 1, 298--324.
- Ling Hsiao, Ronghua Pan,
relaxation limit to centered
rarefaction waves for a rate-type viscoelastic system".
Differential Equations, 157
no. 1 , 20--40.
- Ling Hsiao, Ronghua Pan
stability of traveling wave
solutions for a reacting flow model with source term".
Appl. Math. , 58
no. 2,, 219--238.
- Ling Hsiao, Ronghua Pan,
stability of two-mode
shock profiles for a rate-type viscoelastic system with relaxation".
Ann. Math. Ser. B , 20
no. 4,, 479--488.
- Ling Hsiao, Ronghua Pan
stability of
rarefaction waves for a rate-type viscoelastic system".
A Chinese summary appears in Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A
20 (1999), no. 2, 268.
Ann. Math. Ser. B, 20
no. 2, , 223--232.
- Ronghua Pan,
"The nonlinear stability of travelling wave solutions for a reacting
flow model with source term".
Math. Sci. (English Ed.) ,
19 (1999),
no. 1, , 26--36.
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