Time: | MW, 15:00-16:15 |
Place: | College of Computing, Room 17 |
Text: | TEXTBOOK: Thomas' Calculus, early transcendentals, by Thomas, Weir, Hass (13th Edition); Pearson, 2013. You are required to have access code for Textbook/Homework Access: http://www.mymathlab.com Here is a more detailed information on textbook (Please read it carefully) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MyMathLab Course Information: We will be utilizing MyMathLab (MML) for homework through a joint code for the Thomas Calculus text and the Lay Linear Algebra text. In order to register, you will need our course id posted on T-Square to enroll into the course on MML for your section. Here is the course ID information too: MyMathLab Course ID: (
NOTE: Each section has its own course ID #.) Section
N1: pan01913
Important notes on MML: ·
If you
already have an account on MyMathLab using
this combined textbook within the past 18 months, then you do not need
to purchase a new code. Login to your account on MyMathLab,
select the option to add a new course, and enter our course ID. ·
If you
already have a MyMathLab account that used
either the Thomas or the Lay texbook in
the past 18 months, but you were unable to add our course using the
previous step, please send an email to Lyndsee.Hewston@Pearson.com and include the following information: 1.
First and Last Name 2.
email address used to register for MML 3.
Login ID for MML 4.
course ID (listed above) You should receive a reply within 36
business hours from the Pearson support team regarding your account
status. In the meantime, you can access our course using the “temporary
access” option when registering. Please do not pay for a new code until
you receive a reply from Pearson. ·
If you
do not have a MyMathLab account using the
Thomas or Lay textbooks, or if your account is over 18 months old, you
will need to purchase a new code for our course. Please refer to the
registration document, located in the “Resources” section on t-square, to create your new account. When signing up for MyMathLab,
it will be immensely helpful to me (for grading purposes) if you will
set your STUDENT ID to your USERID for the GT system (i.e., your
T-square USERID, as in “gburdell3”, etc). MyMathLab comes with an entire electronic version of the textbook; it is your choice if you would also like to own the textbook in print. You may purchase a MyMathLab code either from the bookstore or on-line while registering at http://www.mymathlab.com. If you prefer to own a hardcopy of the text, the bookstore offers packages of MyMathLab combined with a loose-leaf or hardcover version of the Thomas textbook that is less expensive than purchasing the text and code separately. PLEASE NOTE: GEORGIA TECH HAS A SPECIAL CODE PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES BOTH TEXTBOOKS. THIS CODE CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED THROUGH THE CAMPUS BOOKSTORES OR DIRECTLY FROM PEARSON. CODES PURCHASED BY OTHER VENDORS WILL NOT WORK! Possible ISBNs for this text are: 1323131760, 1323132112, 132313204X, 1323132104, or 1323132120. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Course Information | Math
2551 - Multivariable Calculus |
Instructor: | Prof. Ronghua Pan |
Office: | Skiles 108 D |
Phone: | (404)894-8947 |
E-mail: | panrh@math.gatech.edu |
Course webpage |
www.math.gatech.edu/~panrh/Teaching/Fall 2018/math2551/2551-N.html |
Office Hours: | MW, 11:00 AM- 11:59 AM, Skiles 108D (Pan). |
Teaching Assistant: | N1: Longmei Shu ( lshu6@gatech.edu) N2: Yuze Zhang (yzhang751@gatech.edu) N3: Xingyu Zhu (xyzhu@math.gatech.edu ) |
Recitation: | TR: 15:00--15:50; N1(Skiles 268), N2(Skiles 269), N3 (Skiles 270). |
Homework: | Thre are two components of Homework: 1) On-line Homework
through MyMathLab; 2) Regular homework will be assigned once a week on course webpage (This page) and they will not be collected. However, it is strongly recommended to work out every problem in the assignments before each quiz, since quiz problems are very similar to homework problems. |
Quizes & Tests |
There will be 10 quizes based on homework assignments in recitation class, two in-class midterms and one final exam |
Academic Honesty |
students are
expected to comply with the Georgia Tech Honor Code (the honor code
can be found at http://www.policylibrary.gatech.edu/student-affairs/code-conduct).
Any evidence of cheating or other violations of the Georgia Tech
Honor Code will be submitted directly to the Dean of Students.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
Grading: | Grades will be based on the exams and quizes, and on-line
homework. Your best eight
quizes count for 20%; on-line homework counts for 10%, in-class midterms count for 40% (20% each); the final exam counts for 30%. If no curve is applied, your final grade will be assigned as a letter grade according to the following scale: A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 0-59% |
Curves: | When it is needed, curves will be determined by the median of each recitation section after final exam according to the end-of-semester grade distribution. In this course, we will only apply curves on the overall course grades, but not for any individual |